Our Stormwater Chambers maximize the underground storage potential where available storage depth is limited, but still provide great flexibility with minimum and maximum cover heights of 2 and 8 feet, respectively. Used primarily beneath paved areas to preserve usable real estate, they also find application in green spaces for Low Impact Development (LID) practices.
Available in two sizes with nominal heights of 30 and 45 inches, the two chamber designations were crafted to identify the installed chamber storage capacities of 75 and 180 cubic feet, respectively, when using standard storage depth profiles.
Engineered using the most advanced modeling techniques, and precision manufactured to the highest standards, our Stormwater Chambers are a combination of a lightweight product with excellent structural integrity, and a geometry designed for maximum storage.
Each Stormwater Chamber is injection-molded for uniform, precise material placement to ensure design strength and arch stiffness, exceeding all requirements of ASTM F2418, the standard specification for polypropylene storm water collection chambers.