Pacific Corrugated Pipe has the capability of servicing your project at your location with our mobile mills.

As with traditional corrugated steel pipe, our mobile mills can produce galvanized, aluminized, polymer coated and many other pre-coated steel product pipes. Gages range from (.064) 16 gage to (.168) 8 gage, sizes range from 18 inches to 21 feet in diameter and lengths can be as long as 50 feet. Many corrugation profiles are available and pipe can be available on-site virtually anywhere.

In order to support proper set up and delivery all site particulars need to be discussed prior to arranging and setting up our mobile operation. Bring the manufacturing to you. Contact our Mobile Mill operator to discuss all details.


Contact : Joe Delgado
Phone : (520) 426-6000
Toll Free: (800) 822-1770
Mobile: (520) 858-6427

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